a word used by your jack-ss of a boss in his emails asking you about some stupid -ss sh-t that he should know, but doesn’t, because he shouldn’t even be in his position, because the company you work for is a joke.
joe, can you please tell me how i am supposed to conduct this simple search, the one that you have been doing for three years, but now i’m your boss and i don’t even know where to start, and i need you to train me to be your boss?
thanks, brofus.
Read Also:
- Integer Correlation
the scientific name for the hate you feel the more time you spend with a person man i spent all weekend with wilson im starting to feel some integer correlation.
- intense pig latin
what ends up on the screen when your curser mysteriously moves as you try to type i was instant messaging with my friend when my cursor moved and she could not understand the intense pig latin on my screen! “slike my lifeounds” (translation: sounds like my life)
- i am going to cut your cake
said to girls when boys want to enter their b-tt hole with their p-n-s d-mnnnn haley i am going to cut your cake in frount of your mama!
- The Good Position
the position you get in when totally wasted so you dont get deaded when you puke dave: dude are you going to be alright? th: don’t worry about it, i’m in the good position!
- The Handler
one who runs up and down the school halls, hates the world, and has no personality. that kid sure is a handler.