brown balls
when you jet diarreah so viciously out of your -ss into the toilet bowl that it splashes up and coats your b-lls brown like cherries dipped in chocolate.
dude! rebecca’s drunk! i’m gonna try to teabag her while i have brown b-lls and make her look like gary coleman, high five!
5 more definitions
a condition that occurs when a man wipes back to front smearing sh-t on the ball sack
no girl would give j.p. head due to horrific smell coming from his brown b-lls
to walk into a bathroom and intentionally hang around to keep a shy person from sh-tting.
i can’t go if someone else will hear it, i get totally brownballed.
when a man takes a sh-t and wipes forward (instead of backwards) and gets sh-t on his b-lls.
something smells..f-ck! i think i have brownball…
originated from -n-l connoisseur aaron, to receive brown b-lls is to penetrate a female, or males r-ct-m; and during -n-l intercourse the penetrater will slap his t-st-cl-s against the person’s gouch and lower region on the -sshole.
-ssuming the man or woman hasn’t wiped their p–pers in some time, the t-st-cl-s will turn brown from the fecal residue.
aaron “brown b-lls” is the king of all things fetish. he probably has brown b-lls right now.
v. when a woman (or man) takes a sh-t, does not wipe, and then has -n-l s-x using the excrement for lubrication resulting in brown, sh-t covered t-st-cl-s.
i can’t believe she let you brownball her, what a sl-t. that’s the last time i set one of my friends up with my mom.
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