a boy who’s dad forced him to suck his d-ck without pay.
“man, devon. we heard you were brxzzy’d last night.”
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- Bryce Hunt
bryce hunt, australia’s youngest entrepreneur. bryce hunt has owned many graphic and website design companies thought australia and has since expanded with his exquisite web and graphic design studio “bryce hunt design” bryce hunt has also been shown in pro print magazine for the printing industry. web graphic design bryce hunt
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to act wild or stupid for no reason; or to be hyper or excited “that teacher started gettin buckcrazy just we was talkin”; “bruh we gone get buckcrazy at this party”
- bucket-banger
noun; a slang term for a drummer; derived from the urban practice of playing makeshift drum kits made out of plastic buckets, trash can lids, and other recycled junk “how ya doin’, bucket-banger?”
- Bucket of Weird
a person, but may also apply to a situation marked by extreme geekiness, weirdness, lacking in social skills, or normalcy. strange weird odd did you talk to that guy on the street holding the sign? talk about a bucket of weird. or i saw the new vampire flick, what a bucket of weird.
- Buc Nasty
a playa hater on chappelle’s show that attends the playa hater’s ball. …before i put these gators up yo -ss and show yo insides some style!- buc nasty a character from the chappelle’s show skit ent-tled “the player haters ball”. the ‘bucnasty’ character is played by charlie murphy; eddie murphy’s brother who is a regular […]