bubble poon
the unfortunate occurrence when a woman stores fat in her v-g-n-l region. this leaves a fat curtain no man wants or needs in front of her poon.
see -gunt
the bubble poon on that woman needed a cart.
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- Chandelier Swinging
to swing from the chandeliers is a very common expression that means to have a wild party. sia: she’s chandelier swinging and lives like tomorrow doesn’t exist.
- Chanhole
to lose all recollection of events in excess of 12 hours despite being fully awake and physically mobile, due to alcohol intoxication. did you chanhole in vegas or did you just p-ss out?
- Chickenlegaphobia
the fear of having skinny unmuscluar legs or chicken legs. i have a chickenlegaphobia, so i work my legs three times a week.
- chaperoner
1) the unfortunate b-n-r you receiver from a hot chaperone, especially at a soiree. 2) a shameful b-n-r the chaperone catches you with after she breaks up the grinding. your date: is that chaperoner from me or mrs. breen over there?
- chares coomes
gay but not gay umm he likes it in the b-tt and is a pimp look theres chares coomes.