a large quant-ty of something, like for instance, bugs!
there was a bugazillion ants in that anthill
there was a bugazillion bees in the beehive!
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- Budweiser Runs
the sh-ts that occur after drinking everyones favorite beer, budweiser. “man, last night was awesome, but this morning the budweiser runs h-t me hard”
- Bugs Bunnied
confusing your opponent in a verbal back and forth, like the rabbit season, duck season arguments, just to get the satisfaction of being right. you: “we were supposed to be there at 7.” them: “no, it was 8.” you: “7” them: “8” you: “8” them: “7. wait, what? man, you totally bugs bunnied me.”
- Bugun Liocichla
a bird that was discovered in 1995, but wasn’t scientificly checked out until 2006. then, the scientists did various things such as record its song and check out its feathers. that’s a bugun liocichla.
- Buh Dum Cha
used to denote a drum roll. usually used after a joke. person 1: hey, a new episode of xyz is out. person 2: like your mum, out the closet. buh dum cha!
- Buhgoofed
the proper term for a person so extremely unattractive, they compel you to cleanse or purge a part of your body usually unrelated to the persons correlation with yourself. “ugh that ho buhgoofed, make me wanna brush mah teeth” “good lord, micheal, did you see that buhgoofed freakbeast? makes me wanna soak in a bath […]