
a combinition of bullsh-t and wacky
“that is bullwhack man!”

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  • Eric Connoring

    the action of absolutely getting no p-ssy and not having friends. many times while eric connoring, one is stuck in a state of being a f-cking isolated f-ggot that loves perorming weird s-xual acts to ones self. i’m getting kind of worried… i’ve been eric connoring a lot lately

  • dick raped

    rape for men. when a girl takes you’re d-ck and you don’t her pusspuss, she takes your d-ck and puts it in her pusspuss. d-mn angelia took my d-ck and she put it in her pusspuss, and she ugly as sh-t n-gg-. i just got d-ck raped, like bro, what the f-ck

  • Beqajing

    when your trying to satisfy but can never succeed epesically during s-x that beqaj is always beqajing

  • satan child

    a demonic child who is evil. they like to hide under peoples beds and watch you sleep. woah- i think billy is a satan child…

  • tindergarten

    when you set your filters on tinder to find matches who are under the age of 20. dude! how old is she? have you set your filters to tindergarten? you pedo. – priti birbal : 2016

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