after eating a large burrito, the feeling that your spine is developing a quasimodo like hunch from the burrito’s pull on your stomach.
that m-ssive carne asada burrito is giving me a burritohunch
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- Burter
the ginyu force’s blue hurricane. currently the fastest warrior in the universe. he is a blue tall muscular man who is suprisingly fast. he treats himself to sp-ce sodas and often eats chocolate parfaits with jeice. he first started out as the slowest member of the ginyu high school and wasnt into the blue skin […]
- busch butt
diarrhea caused by busch beer after a long night of busch beers, you may discover that you will p-ss out of your -ss, and possibly sh-t your pants at least once because you now have busch b-tt.
- Busted Frootloops
adj. smashed, defective, damaged, ugly, or broken, as in an object or person. 1.”i cant play with this yoyo, its busted frootloops!” 2.”yo andy, check out that girlies goodiebags , too bad her face is busted frootloops!”
- busting a pena
to get girls to send you a naked picture. i was busting a pena on that trick next door, when i got one from klipper.
- Buted
being under the effects of or high on ketamine. why does jeff keep touching his face like that? he’s buted, tom, he sniffed like 5 lines of ketamine.