busch butt
diarrhea caused by busch beer
after a long night of busch beers, you may discover that you will p-ss out of your -ss, and possibly sh-t your pants at least once because you now have busch b-tt.
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- Busted Frootloops
adj. smashed, defective, damaged, ugly, or broken, as in an object or person. 1.”i cant play with this yoyo, its busted frootloops!” 2.”yo andy, check out that girlies goodiebags , too bad her face is busted frootloops!”
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to get girls to send you a naked picture. i was busting a pena on that trick next door, when i got one from klipper.
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- butole
when p–p is bunched up in saran wrap and then pushed out through a hole poked through the material. it is designed to resemble a b-tt hole and is sometimes used in science cl-sses as a visual aide for the digestive tract. as you can see in this butole children p–p comes out quite easily […]