bust slob

to make out with someone.
dang, you bust slob with two women last night- unlike phil, who just slobs on himself.

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  • Busty Brown

    one who possesses m-ssive tatas and flaunts them carelessly. on occ-ssion will use them as a table for cell phones, pencils, drinks, etc. also opens and closes doors if hands are full guy1: did you see that chick yesterday? her b–bs were m-ssive. guy2: ohhh yeh that was busty brown

  • Buttamuffin

    to press on the nose or tail of a snowboard while shredding next to gapers, sometimes called b-tters, nose slapy, tail slapy 180 nose b-tter to front boardslide to 270 out. “sick b-ttam-ffin”

  • butt bin

    when a human r-ct-m is used to dispose of s-m-n woodies b-m was used a a “b-tt bin” haha he is so gay

  • butt crisps

    small crispy pimple like eruptions that form on the outer surface of a human b-ttocks. why don’t you take a bath brush and exfoliate those disgusting b-tt crisps off your -ss.

  • butter your bridge

    when a male c-ms in bewteen a females b–bs and creates a bridge bewteen both b–bs. bobby,let me b-tter your bridge

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