butt of war
the act of attaching two b-tt plugs to a length of rope on opposite ends before inserting them in the -n-ses of two partic-p-nts who will than crawl in opposite directions until one partic-p-nt looses their ‘grip’ on their b-tt plug.
common rules:
the b-tt plug girth to -n-s diameter ratio must be equivalent for each partic-p-nt.
lubricant must be used to prevent injury
short for b-tt plug tug of war
rick and charlene faced off in the ultimate b-tt of war compet-tion to prove once and for all who had the strongest -n-s.
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- Buttmuncher Lo
the “lo” variety of “b-ttmuncher”. essentially the same as a standard b-ttmuncher, but it only applies to the category of people cl-ssified as “lo”s. thus, a b-ttmuncher lo is a lo who munches on b-tts. cathy and cindy are a couple of smelly, b-ttmuncher los
- Buttoxide
the ultimate -rs–wipe, moody -ss, disliked taint licker on all of the lue. also an insult b-ttoxide sucks hey dude, stop pulling on my schl-ng so hard, you b-ttoxide
- buttporn
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- babyfish
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