Cadbury’s Fingers
1. a delicious british confectionary comprised of a finger shaped biscuit covered in milk chocolate
2. the surprising and often alarming s-xual act whereby a lady of questionable morals inserts her digit(s) into a gentlemans -n-s as he nears -rg-sm in an effort to heighten the intensity
1. john: f-cking h-ll, dave! have you eaten all my cadbury’s fingers again, you greedy b-st-rd?
dave: yeah, sorry, mate. i was stoned.
2. lady1: i say, lady poncemby-smythe, your reginald looks awfully glum today.
lady2: yes, ms. hartley-woodford. not to worry, i shall cheer him up with a cup of earl grey tea and a cadbury’s finger.
lady1: oh? i never knew he liked you to stick a finger up his -rs- as he shoots his load.
1. a delicious british confectionary comprised of a finger shaped biscuit covered in milk chocolate
2. the surprising and often alarming s-xual act whereby a lady of questionable morals inserts her digit(s) into a gentlemans -n-s as he nears -rg-sm in an effort to heighten the intensity
1. john: f-cking h-ll, dave! have you eaten all my cadbury’s fingers again, you greedy b-st-rd?
dave: yeah, sorry, mate. i was stoned.
2. lady1: i say, lady poncemby-smythe, your reginald looks awfully glum today.
lady2: yes, ms. hartley-woodford. not to worry, i shall cheer him up with a cup of earl grey tea and a cadbury’s finger.
lady1: oh? i never knew he liked you to stick a finger up his -rs- as he shoots his load.
the s-xual act whereby the male inserts his finger into the females -n-s then places fecal encrusted finger down the same females throat
hey rhiannon, i’m gonna give you a cadburys finger whilst you’re sleeping tonight
when either the male or female during s-xual intercourse stick their finger up their partners -n-s in order to reach a g-spot.
why don’t we get freaky and you give me a cadbury’s finger
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