1. a political theory derived from herman cain, advocating the ideas of state permitted gun bans, corporatism, keynesianism, new taxation, collectivism, and ever increasing taxation. people following this political theory are often deaf-blind-mutes incapable of hearing, seeing, or communicating once they become indoctrinated.
cainunism is great,the government takes all my money and in return they monitor everything i do and throw me in prison when i don’t agree with them. utopia it is.
cainunism (keyn – yuh – niz – uhm) – noun
1. a theory or system of economic organization based on a wildly optimistic regard for the fiscal discipline of congress and the president. adherence to this theory typically requires the suspension of disbelief concerning the ability of increasing the government’s power to tax, without substantive spending cuts, to actually reduce burdens on taxpayers and to produce economic recovery.
2. the intentional use by politicians of resonant slogans which obfuscate and distract some voters from the otherwise conspicuous absence of thoughtful, realistic or realizable fiscal or monetary plans and policies.
cainunist (keyn – yuh – nist) – adjective
1. of, characterized by, favoring or relating to cainunism; cainunistic
origin of cainunism: term used by informed voters to describe the economic-sounding slogans that originated from the 2012 vanity presidential campaign of herman cain (1945 – )
synonyms for cainunism: 1. prevarication, 2. deception, 2. cozen, 3. hucksterism, 4. hoodwink, 5. sales pitch, 6. razzle dazzle
antonyms for cainunism: 1. common sense, 2. objective reality, 3. free market, 4. tax reduction, 5. economic liberty, 6. less government, 7. const-tutionalism, 8. ron paul
cainunism. in a sentence: “imagining that a ‘9 – 9 – 9’ percent tax ‘plan’ would not soon be 9.9 – 9.9 – 9.9, then 19 – 19 – 19, and so on, is just more magical cainunist thinking.”
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