Call of Duty: Black Ops 2
the 9th call of duty game developed by treyarch…
unlike infinity ward, treyarch is doing something original to cod for a change and is placing the game in a futuristic setting.
even though the game hasn’t been released yet, battlefield 3 and modern warfare 3 fanboys have been giving it sh-t.
please treyarch, you are our last hope!
-iw releases mw3 (after doing adding nothing original and copying and pasting mw2)-
omg! t3hs game r t3h bst gamez evar!
mwthr3 4 lyphe!
lololol trik sawts r the beastzestz!
-treyarch announces an original idea for the cod series, call of duty: black ops 2-
yur ruinin th3 call ov do0ty franchize!
this game blows!
cod sucks!
the last chance for the call of duty to redeem itself after all the years of repet-tions of the same game being released every year. it is also the last “hoo rah” for compet-tive cod to make it in this changing world. if treyarch fails, cod only has months to live if not days because halo 4 gets released at a similar date.
call of duty: black ops 2 is the last chance for the cod series to live. if it fails, we may see the end of cod as we know it.
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