camel salad
top definition
camel salad
the locks of sh-t caked dingleberries that swing from a camels -n-s
that camel salad looks like it needs a good cleaning
by ninjac-mboomer november 13, 2013
2 1
random word
ten words trending now
trap queen
on fleek
cleveland steamer
donkey punch
alphabetical list
camel popping
camel punch
camel punt
camel p-ssy cleaner
camel queen
camel r-ct-m
camel red
camel ride
camel rider
camel roast
camel row
camel salad
camel salesman
camel sauce
camel server
camel s-x
camels game
camel sh-gger
camel sh-gging n-gg-r b-tch
camel shepherd
camels hoof
camels hump
camel skid toe
camel slam
camel slap
camel slide
camel sl-t
camel smile
camel sn-tchers
camel snus
camel sock
© 1999-2015 urban dictionary ®
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