Cary, North Carolina
extremely wealthy suburb located just outside of raleigh, nc. many new-yorkers and people from florida live in this area. known for its upper-cl-ss living standards. not all of cary is rich. it’s basically separated by maynard road. on the right side is weatherstone, glenkirck, preston, highland oaks, mcgregor, all the rich neighborhoods. on the left side is all the working cl-ss and lower cl-ss people. greatest public high school is green hope high school. there is no good middle school. period. many private schools like cary academy ($19 grand a year) and home of jim goodnight, one of the richest men on earth. also the headquarters of sas inst-tute.
“haha!!! look at those apex and holly springs losers! and ewww..fuquay varina. gross.”
“yea. freaking rednecks. i’m glad we live in cary, north carolina! -speed away in ferrari-
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