where the junkies of fochabers live.
going up to castlehill to buy some hash
castle hill: england, huddersfield.
castle hill is fairly small in size, but quaint. the hill it’s self is named castle hill, because once upon a time, a huge wooden castle had been built up there. people have settled there for thousands of years because it is a very high point, and attackers at the base of the hill could easily be seen. bones of hunted bears and wolves have been found in the well that is near the monument tower of queen victoria’s golden jubilee.
it has been said that up there and around roams a small pack of feral children and/or adolescents that hunt the rabbits and deer around the area. n-body has ever claimed to be injured by a member of the legendary pack.
“castle hill’s ‘feral children’ do not seem to be a threat; indeed, besides the evidence found, they do not seem to be real.” – local newspaper
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