can’t be f-cking -rs-d. a more serious case of cba. a person (typically a student) with cbfa lacks the required motivation to do something.
person 1: “dude, you must have seen that episode like 100 times! have finished your -ssignment yet?”
person 2: “cbfa mate.”
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the online version of crack. no matter how often people claim they hate it, they can’t stop coming back. “i hate cbhq, this is why i have 2 accounts on there which i use to look at it in the middle of the night, when no one will see me!!!”
- Mouth Buzz
when you eat or drink something and it tastes so good, it leaves a pleasant taste in your mouth called a mouth buzz. 1. man, i wish i had some more of that cabernet; it gave me the best mouth buzz. 2. i don’t want to eat any eggs, i already have a great bacon […]
- mouth-bone
verb to f-ck a girl’s face with excessive amounts of pelvic pump-action. yo, i mouth-boned that sl-t til she started puking on my nuts!
- misu
miwok indian name which means rippling water or rippling brook or just ripples on the water misu the effects of a stone being skipped across a tranquil pond the new subst-tute for minus, derives from an awesome typo. 8 misu 2 equals 6! or misu 4 equals 2!
- Mive
mive: when a white man tries to attempt to show he has “jive”; similar to an old black man from the 60’s. white people who mive are comedic gold.