Chandler Job
a job that is known little by the general public outside said profession, although varies on importance/value to society. this is referring to chandler bing from the tv show friends, who’s no one knew the job t-tle or description was; rather the company said employee works for. a chandler job often prospers in the corperate and buisness worlds.
jane: i am a nurse pract-tioner working at the local hospital in the emergancy department.
john: thats intersting! i am a it buisness consultant at intel.
jane: that is such a chandler job!
james: what does your older brother do?
jack: he works at intel.
james: what position at intel?
jack: ummm?
james: a chandler job i am guessing.
joey: what is chandler bings job?
rachel: a umm, transponster!
monica: thats not even a word!
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