chatter boxxer
chatter boxxer happens when your on a social network and your talking with a mate on chat… always end up chatter boxxing if your a pain in the -ss like me cause you can both cut in on each other….. sometimes it gets that bad that one of you (never me!) just bows out and can’t keep up with the converstion, or you become overcome by all the beeps made by the enter b-tton….i have just sat there before and hit the enter b-tton just to p-ss off my mate….therefor i started calling myself a chatter boxxer … chatter boxxer is a great way to knock the chatter out of one of your mates…it’s great fun! sh-t… i just thought that this could be known as cl-ster f-cking as well….got to love a good cl-ster f-ck…i do a bit of that too… the chatter boxxer cl-ster f-cker….that’s me…and hey, i like it! bring it on b-tches
i was talking to my mate on a social network the other night and the pr-ck started to annoy me so i just turned into a freakin chatter boxxer and floored him in no time with a bit of hard core chatter boxxing.
my friends won’t talk to me on chat anymore cause i just chatter boxxer the living daylights outta them.
why do you have to be such a god d-mn chatter boxxer?
f-ck i love doing the chatter boxxer on my mates, they can’t keep up for sh-t!
i am the best chatter boxxer known to man!
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