Cheeto Bag
when young, h-rny, impoverished males want to score but refuse to spring the money for a condom. instead, they strap an empty cheeto bag on their d-ck with a rubber band as a form of contraception.
can also refer to taking a heedless risk that is easily preventable by expending minimal effort, such as moving a settler outside your cultural boarders in civilization without a military escort.
“baby aren’t you gonna use a condom?”
“nah, i got this cheeto bag here… can you hand me that rubber band though?”
alan: “ok settlers done and i’m moving him over to that plains hill”
carl: “wait do you have a warior to escort it?”
alan: “nah… ima cheeto bag this guy… itll be fiiiiiinnnnnee.”
lion: “roar”
alan: “d-mn it”
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