the cheese-version of jesus. yes, there is a cheese-jesus:
dude, i was eating some cheese whilst praying to jesus(the baby version), and my cheese just like, turned into the face of my lord, and i was like, “whoa man it’s cheezus.”
the god of cheese-its. he is the patron saint of halo 3 players. in order to gain his favor, a sacrifice of your entire team must be made. his blessings grant victory on the battlefield.
private arbolez betrays his teammate zogmuf-kui and then kills himself to gain cheezus’ favor.
zogmuf-kui: wtf man!
private arbolez: don’t worry bro, cheezus will let us win.
end of match, their team wins.
private arbolez: cheezus be praised.
zogmuf-kui: whatever…
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