
c-ke and weed, in a blunt, pipe whatever
“i smoke chwey like a motherf-ckin nut, you got a gram bag get the zags and roll ‘er up”
wookie sidekick of han solo.
“raaargh! ghrargh rargh!”
a blunt rolled with weed and yayo(c-ke)
sh-t i love me some chewy
a chewy is another term for brain, or a bl-wj-b, the process of sucking a males’s p-n-s
danielle gave billy a major chewy.
chewy; noun: a drug consisting of grounded up weed (shake) and cocaine. you can smoke it from a pipe or roll it in a blunt, spliff or joint.
“this chewy got me paranoid and goin kinda scared
n-gg-z startin to know my face so i had to cut my hair”

“i smoke chewy like a m-th-f-ckin’ nut
ya got a gram bag get the zags an’ roll ‘er up”

andre nickatina (c-ke fiend, great rapper)
1. a mixture of marijuana (usually not the chronic, hence the need to do the following) mixed with cocaine. smoked by way of various means, usually a blunt.
2. a fully shaved v-g-n- that tastes so good that you almost feel the urge to chew on it.
“bro, i just smoked a fat chewy and it made me want some chewy pretty f-cking bad”

“that blunt made my d-ck shrivel up,, was that a chewy??!!”

“howd you get that black eye”
“i got kicked in the face when i bit marissa’s chewy”
p-ssy or booty
billard : you tryin to get sum chewy tonight?

chow : h-ll yeah i want some chewy!!!

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