a chinese person who lives in or comes from canada.
chinese + canadian
i hear chinadian b-tches can really slob some n-b.
your mom is chinadian.
people of chinese-canadian decent
did you see all those chinadians at the outlet mall???
a minority majority group of asian people in the greater vancouver, b.c. area who understand street signs to mean that they should use equestrian pathways as pedestrian pathways, which may result in their own personal injury.
i almost hit that chinadian walking in the bike path!
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- Chinese Copy
commonly used to describe products which are cheap in price and are of usually not good quality. the product may or may not be a duplicate copy of a well known branded item. the product may or may not be made in china (eventhough they usually are) oh ! dont worry dear its just a […]
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a small, moist, yet meaty ball of fecies that fires out of the -n-s with deadly force. a chinese fireball is typically greasy, about half the size of the average human fist and has deadly accuracy. typical symptoms include pre-sh-t bubble farts and a whistling sphincter effect. approach with caution. dave, dude, i thought you […]
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n. leftover rice porridge, or reconst-tuted hard rice used as an adhesive; a booger or snot stuck on the finger(s). having exhausted his bottle of elmer’s, and rolls of tape, he resorted to chinese glue so he could finish the school annual photo layout.
- Chinfection
(noun) an infection on or around the chin area. bob: why do you keep scratching your chin? fred: i don’t know, its just all red, i must have a chinfection.
- chingina
simply put, a woman’s double chin. vikram: dude, that chick has a second set of t-ts on her jaw. lance: yea i know. total chin crack. vikram: would you say she has a chingina? lance: why yes, i certainly would, old chap. n. a form of goatee trimmed until only a small portion of facial […]