Chinese Glue
n. leftover rice porridge, or reconst-tuted hard rice used as an adhesive; a booger or snot stuck on the finger(s).
having exhausted his bottle of elmer’s, and rolls of tape, he resorted to chinese glue so he could finish the school annual photo layout.
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- Chinfection
(noun) an infection on or around the chin area. bob: why do you keep scratching your chin? fred: i don’t know, its just all red, i must have a chinfection.
- chingina
simply put, a woman’s double chin. vikram: dude, that chick has a second set of t-ts on her jaw. lance: yea i know. total chin crack. vikram: would you say she has a chingina? lance: why yes, i certainly would, old chap. n. a form of goatee trimmed until only a small portion of facial […]
- Chinkback
a person who is a product of the miscegenation between a parent of chinese origin (ch-nk), coupled with a parent of mexican origin (back: derivation is an abbreviation of wetback). note: the term may be loosely applied to include taiwanese, singaporean, and other se asian on the ch-nk side, and general central american + puerto […]
- chipoltcray
adjective describing a sh-t of painfully epic proportions, usually after consuming chipoltle. also an event, person, or thing which is painfully sh-tty especially when it involves a person using the word “swag”. kanye west’s next alb-m should just be 20 tracks of his incessant whining, cuz his last one was chipoltcray.
- chipotle poop
the intense, brutal, and long-lasting p–p you get the morning after you have chipotle. usually starts off as one big p–p, then in 5-10 minutes two or three rounds of small chunks of p–p. derek: you want to get some chiptole? freddy: nah, i’m not in the mood to get chipotle p–p.