to buy and sell junk or the act of being really cheap.
ex 1: that guy is a choadiepreneur…he’s been going to the junkyard and rippin krusty carbs off old cars and sellin them online. preneu’n hardcore!
ex 2: man, i don’t pay for roadside trash pickup! i just dump my garbage in my neighbors cans after they put them out by the road! preneu that!
1. the art of selling cheap junk to turn a minimal profit.
2. going to the extreme of cheapness.
a: jeff has been choadiepreneur’n…buying junky furniture from the thrift store and reselling it to college kids.
b: adam searches for the box on the shelf that has a dent in it, takes it to customer service, and asks for a discount on the item since the box is damaged. that’s preneu’n!
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