townies who steal stuff. tend to wear bomber jackets. originated in mytholmroyd, near halifax
ere raat d-ckhaaadd, ya got twenny pee? – typical ch-r-r
a beligerent ghoul who wears track suits, henri lloyd sweaters and baseball caps all the time (even in court) and tries to prove oneself by picking fights with innocent and usually solitary members of the public. ch-r-r’s are basically townies or chavs who steal on a regular basis, ie they ch-r-.
when not on the ch-r- they are usually causing willful damage to public and or private property, sniffing gas, hanging outside mcdonald’s in halifax and giving abuse to strangers.
example a: “someone ch-r-d my motor!”
example b: “ey dack ‘ed you startin?”
“f-ck off and get a job you lousy ch-r-r”
illiterate beings who hang around memorial gardens in mytholmroyd and public toilets, they are munters.go near them if u want a cheap nite.
“errrrre u startin?i herd u slaggin of mi mum, ey ey ey u bein cheeky, u wnat a piece of me” (oh dear)
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