Chris Brown

a way to put your woman in check.
my girlfriend was being a b-tch, so i told her if she didn’t stop it i would chris brown her -ss.
to hit a woman.
baby, can you please be quiet before i chris brown you.
a young r&b singer from tappahannock, virginia popular for the chart topping hit run it
chorus from a chris brown song: is ya man on the flo?
if he ain’t…
let me know
let me see if you can run it, run it
girl indeed i can run it, run it
the act of beating someones -ss. obviously referring to chris brown biting rhianna’s nips off, or whatever. allegedly.
i’m about to chris brown that hoe if she don’t call me back.
a form fitting white ribbed sleeveless tank top, often worn by men while working out, lifting weights, or in other instances deemed appropriate for showing off their guns.
john wore a chris brown to the gym, hoping that the ladies would notice his muscular arms.
a man beating a woman
shut up, before i chris brown you girl!
to beat the sh-t out of someone
dont make me go chris brown on you!

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