a stupid sh-t.
that clodover there is eating his breakfast backwards!
someone who is “too big for their body”. they can’t do anything without b-mping into someone. when they sit down they just flop, most likely bothering the person they sit down next to. people like this are mainly found in public areas, like movie theaters, restaurants, etc. these people are also very ignorant. they sit down behind you at the movies, kicking your seat multiple times, without even saying “excuse me” or “sorry”. nope, they just clod their way on through life.
i’m just trying to watch this new movie and some clod kicks my seat 4 times without saying anything.
1) a total and complete b-st-rd
2) a phewlish one
3) someone gullable
see clodhopper
1) you father was a clod
2) josh went and made a clod of himself.
3) that clod is so gullable, i told him iraq won the war. ha.
1. a hardened m-ss of dirt.
2. a person who would have to learn ettiquette just to elevate himself to the t-tle of hardened m-ss of dirt.
3. a popular french given name.
it hasn’t rained in weeks, look at all those clods!
some clod sped through the puddle and splashed mud all over my suit!
clod debussy was a good composer!
stands for clunge of the day.
a clod is a particulaly fat, ugly and unnattractive person, the worst you have seen that day.
clod points can be gained by kissing and/or sleeping with them.
“wow check out that clod! if i got with her i’d get 3 clod points”
a boehemian sl-t; most likely in the bahamas in paradise isalnd harbour resort, on floor 7……… in room 709.
of or pertaining to, giana daliettas these in wich have clod-like qualities.
a team of mysp-ce hackers famous for there of mysp-ces. coined the term groverize in the late 1990’s.
yo you hear of the clods?
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