1. a large, flying beetle which looks like a giant, scarier version of a bee. it is referred to in the u.k as a ‘may bug’.
not many people seem to remember them as they are rare in places but in some areas it is a common activity for children to go round swatting them with tennis racquets.
they look insanely scary and there is a myth that they like to get tangled up in your hair, resulting in the possibility of having to have your hair shaved off. this is just a story though and they are completely harmless and bare no danger to humans.
they are a known pest to farming, as they leave their larvae on the ground, resulting in crops being damaged.
2. a term used to describe cheap underwear such as boxer shorts which are fitted wrong and give you chafing round your legs.
1. c-ckchafer, the correct term for the flying beetle known widely as a may bug
2. i bought some cheap underwear from the store the other day… they are real c-ckchafers.
1. large grey/brown beetle
2. a woman with a dried up v-g-n-
1. “oi sean, me old mate, is that c-ckchafer in bed with you?”
2. “oi sean, me old mate are you gonna be sore! you’re in bed with thunderthighs the old c-ckchafer
an unsightly guy at a swimming pool with far too tight speedos, in clearly noticeable pain, but thinking the chicks are digging him.
maybe things could have worked out, but i’m a keen swimmer at the local pool and he was a c-ckchafer
a small tight v-g-n- that needs alot of lube!
“man that girl was tight, a real c-ckchafer”
a work shift while one is standing and walking about that lasts for more than twelve hours.
my manager had me work from open to close today, that was a real c-ckchafer.
when the chick you’re having s-x with has got stubble around her p-ssy because she hasn’t shaved it for days. the result: abrasions to the shaft of your c-ck that hurt like h-ll.
i was rooting your mum the other night and her c-ck chafer made a mess of my round man.
one who chafes c-ck on a regular basis.
jeeze, marsh. you sure do chafe a lot of c-ck. you are the biggest c-ck chafer i know
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see also urungus i need a shower. i’m getting some serious c-ckrust.
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a half asian. one part consists of dutch, the other asian. person a: woowww, that’s a tall girl, and she’s sort of asian looking. person b: oh, i know her, she must be a dusian. person a: what’s that? person b: dutch-asian.
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