a gid (ginger in disguise) but he just wont admit it! he likes to put s-xy people into garbage cans, he also calls people babycakes and overall he is just a gay man waiting for the perfect chance to come out of the closet, but he is just waiting for the perfect man to come and swoop him up into his arms
wow he is such a codyn he is wearing a scarf!
a dirty prost-tute
a very mean person that has no friens
ew! what a codyn
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- Dazzle Puss
a girl or very affeminate man who likes to attract attention to themselves by means of elaborate hair, clothes or make up. also the name of the h-llo kitty lipgloss now made by mac make up. she bought extra glittery lipgloss to go with her dazzle puss personality.
- Excession
something so technologically superior that it appears as magic to the viewer. to the native peoples, the sp-ce shuttle most certainly was an excession.
- Procrastinator, The
t-tle of up-and-coming student newspaper from rudolf steiner school kings langley. it exists to serve three n-ble purposes: 1) to pump out gossip and propaganda 2) to advocate procrastination 3) to rip off students “yo, dude, have you got this issue of the procrastinator?
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- procrastorblazing
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