colin rhodes
he is a spastic colon, and a douchebag. lolz
haha collin
a l33t pwner from arizona…
born in 88′ he dissapeared into a cyber cafe network, and hasnt been seen since.. you can still find him pwning peeps in chat rooms and games… watch out!
boom … your dead… easy as that…
wicked kid that i know!!!
also known as spaztic colin
spaztic colin is the shiznitz
i know that kid! hes a f-cking jack-ss! j/k hes awesome! i see him pwning people on the net all the time.
colin – owns – all – internet
a t-rd licking baby eating f-ck up c-nt bag hoebag p-ssy whipped hoelicking wh-r- house son of a b-tch crack wh-r- crack baby f-ckin sh-t eating f-ck -ss b-tch.
the spaztic colon is molesting little 3rd grade boys again.
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