the natural lubrication produced in the v-g-n-l c-n-l when a female is s-xually aroused. before my genius, no one knew what the ‘wetness’ was called. thank g-d for me.
‘the second david walked into the room, she sprayed coluk all over her grannypanties’
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- Chewey Chicken
n. one who commits non-consensual rubbing against another person to achieve s-xual arousal, usually done discreetly without being discovered in large crowds such as on a subway. -the phrase comes from the j-panese definition, “chikan chui.” “can you believe i was totally violated by a chewey chicken today on the subway, macy?!” “that’s horrible steph!”
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- ax wound
a euphemism for the v-g-n-, especially a very red one. i was bangin’ gina last nite, and her vag was so red it looked like an ax wound. a womans v-g-n-, tw-t, c-nt, what ever you want to call it n. her ax wound was hot and wet another name for the female genitals i […]
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