
a computophile is someone who treats thier computer with all the latest updates, upgrades, tweaks, mods, ect. in addition to getting excited at the idea of inserting thier hard drive/flash drive into said computer’s ports/anywere else it will fit repeatedly after removing the bra/panties from it….

signs you could be one include excessive shopping due to excess fluids always ruining your computer parts, s-xual innuendo about electronics, constantly touching it, and trips to the hospital to treat electrical burns on your junk.
computophile:so i bought myself a new system, i just get so hard everytime i see it.
thier computer : baby i’m so wet
thier friend: wtf man its waterproof?

computophile: yeah i got tired of electrical burns on my flash drive when sticking it into its s-xy ports…. its…. so…. beautiful

his friend: what the f-ck, get help man.

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