a person that owns a facebook account and constantly clicks the “like” b-tton to all of their “friends” facebook activity, instead of spending one once of brain power to write a full comment in response to their “friends” posts or check-in’s. generally they “like” their “friends” facebook activity after it has becomes a day or two old or sometimes “like” facebook activity after it is no longer important.
example 1
stan: “dude i’m deleting off my facebook.”
alan: “what?! why?!”
stan: “cause all you are is a consta-like and i’m sick of getting excited when i get a notification on my iphone thinking its something important and it’s just you liking something stupid, like when i was tagged in keith’s check-in at the restaurant last night!”
three days later….
example 2
keith: “oh i just got a notification from facebook on my iphone. d-mn it was just alan clicking “like” to my check-in when i was at the restaurant the other night,what a consta-like!”
alan: “dude i’m standing right here…”
keith: “yeah i know…”
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