a book full of instructions for making different foods, i.e. a cookbook.
after a bad week i need to make some comfort food from the cooktionary.
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- Cool Beans Explosion
a slang term for something that is much cooler then just cool beans. mike:i got tickets to coldplay janet:cool beans explosion
- coon hound
a white guy (it also could be a ch-nk, gook, spic, kike, dago etc) who chases after c–n poon. the female version is a c–n houndess. that guy is a real c–n hound, he goes up to harlem at 135th and lexington every weekend looking for black sk-nks. he should just stand ouside the apolo […]
- coslap
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- Daedalus Attack
1. when you punch your enemy in the face with the fist of an aircraft carrier. the fist then opens up for m-ssive missile spam. 2. when you -n-lly fist a woman holding a handful of cayenne pepper and open your fist, releasing the cayenne pepper into her -n-s. max used the daedalus attack to […]
- Daffodick
a typical welshman/woman who bang on about their nationality and how ‘welsh and proud’ they are, naively oblivious of the biggest irony of all: that they nearly always come last at everything. on the rare occasion that they win something like a rugby match they get several years mileage out of it and often canonise […]