Copeing Your Collar
the act of popping your collar in order to hide your neck herpes. generally -ssociated with douches and brian cope.
person 1: dude, why are you copeing your collar?
person 2: mr. cope gave me neck herpes.
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- copesetic
everything’s good and fine. the smile on your face told me that everything was copesetic, b-tch.
- lttm
laughter to the max (maximum) another way to express ‘lmao’, ‘rofl’ or ‘lol’. “oh my god, did you see when joe fell over today? total lttm!”
- Corleigh
a girl who appears to be sweet and kind but is secretly a professional b-tch. loves loving and loves hating. parties too much and doesn’t care enough. corleigh b-tched me out last night after partying and said she hated me but then told me she loved me because she didn’t care about why she hated […]
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- Co-ruminating
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