another word for elbow,
“oww i just hit my cormier”
“dude, that guy just threw a dirty cormier”
another word for really p-ssed of guy who a) has a really, really hot mom b) is obsessed with -n-l s-x and c) is an -sshole
wow, look at rich cormier go! from the looks of it, he has a hot mom, likes -n-l s-x, and is an -sshole in general. just a thought!
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a term used in the world of warcraft when you disconnect on the elevators going down to the undercity. short slang for ‘elevator down syndrome’ person 1: did he just leave? person 2: i don’t know man. person 3: sorry about that guys. person 1: what happened? person 3: my eds kicked in so i […]
- schizo
1. short for “schizophrenic” as in “paranoid schizophrenic”. which is a severe mental disorder often confused with “mutiple personality sydrome”. 2. someone with wildly diverse personality traits that manifests themselves in a less than sane manner. that b-tch is a schizo. one minute she’s a sunday school girl, the next minute she’s crack wh-r- that […]
just another code monkey. pr-nounced “jack-em”. derogatory word referring to people that work at start ups that did not found the start up. “we need more development resource”, “ok, lets get out the jacm contact list”
- shawano high
lame. middle of nowhere northern wisconsin. everyone’s a hick. look at those hicks, they definitely go to shawano high.
- Cow-ery
the study of cows (specifically cows, and cows only) this word was created when i was trying to explain how much of a r-t-rd i was, then happened to make up this word. or at least i think i made it up.. o_o i am interested in cow-ery