similar to “oligarchy” except with corporatins as the ruling cl-ss.
“the recent supreme court decision potentially puts a corpogarchy at the helm of our government.”
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- country
a genre of american music developed in the southern united states, with its roots in english and irish folk tunes, african-american blues stylings, and gospel. usually incorporates quavering vocals, fiddles, guitars, and southern accents. used to be decent(think patsy cline, loretta lynn) has now generally deteriorated into radio-friendly, predictable, over-done, poorly rhymed little ditties that […]
- Crackers And Cheese
the dirt found under the foreskin of a man’s p-n-s is crackers and cheese. especially when he is unwashed or unclean. an uncirc-msised man. i only date men who aren’t crackers and cheese! slang for a white and asian couple. look crackers and cheese. oh nevermind thats just steve and gloria.
- skazzals
having mad skizzles (with an a!) wow alex you sure have mad skazzals in volleyball
- Skeeta cheebo
a h-m-s-xual man of island extraction. he looks like a taco and he’s wearing pink leather pants, that guy’s definately a skeeta cheebo.
- Crack Laughing
bursting into a prolonged fit of intense, uncontrollable laughter. used to describe how you feel inside when you find yourself in a pleasing set of circ-mstances, or at least in comparison to a worse outcome that also might have occurred. instigating this sort of reaction in someone is called making that person “crack laugh up”. […]