a genre of american music developed in the southern united states, with its roots in english and irish folk tunes, african-american blues stylings, and gospel. usually incorporates quavering vocals, fiddles, guitars, and southern accents. used to be decent(think patsy cline, loretta lynn) has now generally deteriorated into radio-friendly, predictable, over-done, poorly rhymed little ditties that all sound alike.
i love my patsy, but who in sam hill is this tim mcgraw guy?
a type a music that is good and often stereotyped as for only hicks, rednecks, farmers, etc. this stereotype isn’t true. most songs are played with an acoustic guitar. most major players in the genre are solo, not in a group.
girl: hey put on some country.
boy: i am not a hick.
girl: it’s over. i hate you.
contrast: city suburbia
not like the city because it’s quiet, not like suburbia because you don’t feel like you’re going to explode due to boredom and utter lack of greenery (lawns not withstanding)
a generally quiet region of the world many people choose to live in due to it’s tranquility and closeness with nature. sometimes refered to as and are actually similar to “the boons” and “the bush” or “the sticks”.
a.k.a: middle of nowhere.
canadian prairies do not count, unless you already pre-exist there, at which point you enjoy the miles and miles of absolute nothing. (see saskatchewanmanitobaalberta)
a good place to get away from it all. (exception: saskatchewan)
good examples include the cottage country, north of toronto or algonquin park (for camping), also includes areas way north of montreal and bc mountain ranges. areas between kingston and toronto are country, werein people live quiet solitary lives with schools in of only 900 people, from k to gr.12.
what we learn from suburbs, country and city is that there is no perfect place to live.
what someone who is part of the sadly diminishing group of people who have enough common sense to work hard, pray hard, play hard, and love deep ought to be proud to call themselves!
country till i die! no, wait, heaven is country, too, so country for eternity!!!
a region of the world. with it’s own goverment.
usa, norway, and india
a type of music.
not the new age kind thats mixed with a little bit of pop
true country artists are people like:johnny cash,hank williams,waylon jennings,willie nelson,dolly parton, etc.
girl1:omg i love toby keith!he makes me love country music
girl2:omg thats not country thats just some r-t-rded pop song!listen to some hank williams and then youll know what country
a place, a state of mind
i live in the country and i listen to country music. america is the country i live in.
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