covington, kentucky is a city bordering cincinnati, ohio. to most, covington, and the near newport, kentucky, have unofficially become part of cincinnati.
from northbout i-75, as you’re going down the hill just as you’re about to enter covington, you can see a great view of cincinnati.
covington, ga – a small town, very close, south from atlanta, ga
we still holdin’ it down for all our folks here in covington, the cov
a miserable h-ll-hole on the virginia/west virginia border.
if i ever have to go back to covington, va, i will kill myself.
covington, ga is a small, rural town south-east of atlanta where nothing happens. most of the town’s adolescent population hangs out in the wal-mart parking-lot drinking pbr and talking about huntin’. also, being that the town is primarily rural, meth plants, trailer-parks, and weed fields are not uncommon.
also known as the most boring place on earth or east-b-m-f-ck
johny: “i have to go visit my dad this weekend…in covington, this is going to be h-ll”
a woman with a large man eating v-g-n-.
a:have you seen dave lately?
b:no! the covington must’ve got him.
a school in which everyone is smart… run by morons though…so sad
covington killed berkshire in basketball…
actually it’s a small little lame -ss excuse of a village near seattle…more specifically, the b-m f-cking egypt of the greater seattle area
look kids, covingtons finally on the map! holy cranky!
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