short for crucial.
the zeros just make it more nerdy.
“d00d r u going to the xbloodwillfallfromtheskyandwewillslurpitupandthenvomitx show? its gonna be s00ooo cr00sh!”
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like the original muzzy, a term referring to facial hair, mainly on the upper lip, usually worn by senior male collage students, hipsters or ron burgundy but unlike the plain muzzy a dirty muzzy is course and full enough to trap food particles and grease so as to make it smelly and manly and unattractive […]
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let me not google that for you. expression of irony and implictiment of op not being able to use google. anonymous #1 oh gawd wat was 2m get? anonymous #2 >1 ninetails. lmngtfy.
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laughin my mixed race -ss of 1.michael fell down da stairs 2.lmmrao 3.hes so clumsy