crack a sam
started early in th nineties through out ballarat, someone whom goes home early from an event or festivity shall be sed to hav cracked a sam, originating back to the original sam who made this famous throughout the university if ballarat, one also can use the term when a person or persons gets mad or angry over something which another person or persons have sed.
“for f-cks sake did u go home at 12 last night, thats the third time u have cracked a sam this semester”
“hey i did not crack a sam”
(by saying they have not cracked a sa m they have hence confirmed that indeed they have cracked a sam)
to become extremely annoyed or right f-cking p-ssed at someone.
matt: f-ck you guys im going home
anna: ooooooo someone crack a sam????
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- Crack Shoot
a s-xual game wherein a target is ‘painted’, generally in concentric circles, on a willing female partic-p-nt using the faeces of her partner (though it has been known for couples to ‘share the load’ at this point). the male partic-p-nts overall aim is to -j-c-l-t- as close to the centre of this target as possible. […]
- cracksynthesis
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- Crap Angel
the pattern left on the inside of the toilet bowl after a particularly hefty or sticky t-rd you should have seen the cr-p angel i left in the bowl this morning. she’ll be steaming that off for a week.
- crapetarian
a person who lives on a diet of mostly junk food. their diet includes ice cream, cookies, diet soft drinks, and candy bars; it excludes poultry, meat, and fish, but some cr-petarians eat dairy {lactocr-petarians}, eggs {ovocr-petarians} or both {ovolactocr-petarians}. motivations include, but are not limited to ethics, parental defiance, garbology and health. hope tried […]
- crap nuggets
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