coined: may 30th, 2007. socal, usa
description: an expletive very similar in definition to snap or shnap – and the latter, only the definition(s) similar to those of snap. unlike snap or even cr-p, “cr-pslices” does not have the exuberant “oh yeah!” connotation that many other such interjections have. its two meanings are:
1.) “oh no. now what am i gonna do?”: worry
2.) “oh no!”/”oh yes!” “y’all got served! now what are ya gonna do?”: mildly wise-guy-in-your-face (in this usage, it is highly encouraged that one says “oh cr-pslices” in the same manner that quagmire from family guy says “all right.”)
corresponding to the numbers above:
1.) me: “hey man, what did you write about for the -ssignment?” them: “-ssignment?” -registers- “oh cr-pslices.” (this was almost exactly how it was spontaneously coined.)
2.) them: “hey man, he won the game just like you said! mad predicting skills, yo!” me: “oh cr-pslices!”
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