Crash and burn
phrase meaning to have a spectacular failure or fall from grace. considered to have originated from losing an aerial dogfight.
sometimes accompanied with hand gestures and sound effects of a crashing, burning airplane.
i just asked that woman at the bar for her phone number but i crashed and burned.
she tried to tell a witty joke at the dinner party but her mother-in-law was actually born in ireland so it crashed and burned.
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to really screw up one’s life by making bad choices often accompanied by substance abuse.
“dude, if you don’t stop doing crack you’re going to crash and burn.”
a heartfelt “good luck” wish.
airplane pilot slang, dating back before wwi, but still in use.
severeal things were considered unlucky, like having one’s picture taken in the c-ckpit, or to be wished ‘good luck’ before takeoff. as pilots are strong believers in murphy’s law (things never go as you want them to), this would most likely lead to disaster. therefore, the natural way of wishing good luck on somebody, would be to call the worst possible thing down on their heads.
it is similar to the luftwaffe’s “hals und beinbruch” (“break neck and legs”) or the german navy’s “mast- und stengebruch” (“break masts and yards”), or when actor’s wish each other “break a leg” before they go on stage.
“tally-ho! bandits at four o’clock, angels 12! crash and burn!” (translation: “prepare for combat. enemy aircraft sighted on starbord side, slightly from behind, at 12.000 feet. good luck!”)
“so you got yourself a mahogany spitfire? doing b-mph? well, crash and burn, old chap!” (“so you got a ground job at a desk, filling out papers? (presumably away from the front line) good luck, mate!”)
“you finally got a date with her? well, crash and burn!”
to go to sleep instantly and sleep hard. an extension of the meaning ‘crash’.
i crammed all night, after the test i’m going home to crash and burn.
a game played in a public place with a group of your friends. mostly males who play this, but isn’t limited to them. the object of the game is for your friends to pick out any random girl, and then you have to go up to her, and ask her if she wants to f-ck.
commonly used to see who has the most b-lls in the group of friends. t-tle relates to when you get to see your friend crash and burn after asking the girl.
guys: see that one in the yellow shirt? she’s standing next to her boyfriend. go ask her.
guy:…i’m going to crash and burn.
when an error in program logic causes it to do totally random stuff for no apperently reason, not directly resulting in a crash, but often causing random stuff to appear on screen, sometimes with random noises comming from the speakers.
“poping without pushing will almost always result in your program crashing and burning!”
“a simple error like using = instead of == can cause a c program to crash and burn.”
“the poorly written driver caused the system to crash and burn with a pretty display of random colors.”
2. to have s-x with someone, and dump them the nex day.
“dude… i seriosuly digged this chick.. but she was such a drag. i crash and burned her.”
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