createblog is a community driven blog support website, offering skins, scripts, tutorials, and support for blogger, xanga, livejournal, mysp-ce weblogs, and website templates. first started as by ju-sun lee on december 25, 2003. it was one of the first xanga community websites on the internet, providing skins, scripts, tutorials, and support. was largely responsible for the “xanga revolution” of diverging from the traditional xanga “look”. was later renamed to on february 2004 when it expanded to support blogger, livejournal, mysp-ce and other tools.
createblog forums is a place where you can hang out and enjoy.
the number one online community that offers blog resources, including blogger, xanga, mysp-ce, and livejournal. contains user-submitted skins, scripts, tutorials, and much more. is the url address.
an online forum consisting of adolescent r-t-rds, whose lives depend solely on the internet. most people on createblog are unable to think for themselves, and will believe anything they are told.
createblog is evil. beware.
lyk 0mg createblog is my lyfe!!!
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