creetchy is a combination of both creepy weird and sketchy.
kathryn rickour is creetchy because she had -n-l s-x with an elephant.
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- Creme-Filled Donut
a creme-filled donut is when one to five males -j-c-l-t- into a tube sock that has a small hole at the tip of it. then, taking the tube sock and striking an unsuspecting victim in the face, causing the seman to splatter, resembling someone being hit in the face with a creme-filled donut. i gave […]
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a term used to describe a woman when the word c-nt used alone is not offensive enough kim is a f-ckin’ c-nt-slit
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a canadian c-nt stain, especially: a certain male facebook user who is a minor but perennial irritant to certain australians. higzy: c-ntstainadian
- wizometer
device used to detect drug content in urine “he had his brother give him some of his urine so the pot wouldn’t show up in the wizometer”.
- Cupertino Cappuccino
when someone uses a mac in starbucks. many people have made this a cliche. this stereotype has made some mac users want to destroy starbucks. the most common pair is a macbook with a caramel cappuccino. john: i hate cupertino cappuccinos. steve: why? john: starbucks tastes too gross for a mac to be within 10 […]