a bad-ss, baddest of the bad, a tank
wow, he is such a cruz!
to be dumb, to philosophize using mundane and absurd opinions, to be missing part of a brain, to voice theories to the public that make no sense.
1) cruz of the day: an infant must not -ssume that his mother’s milk is the first milk to be drank, he must investigate the ancestry and dig deeper.
2) cruz of the week: there are people on his earth who have not read the bible, the bible is not only the word of god but in a sense it is god’s first novel… contemplate that
3) that was the dumbest thing i have ever heard, you sound like a cruz.
the sound of a zebra queefing.
the -ss dismounted the zebra with a sloppy cruz.
spanish for cross.
a gorgeous pet-te woman that every man needs in their lives. cruz is chill, funny and asks for nothing – therefore she deserves everything. people always tell their dirty secrets to her. ask her for something & she’ll get it. she is interesting. cruz gets along with everyone.
did hear about !@#$%?
no, i didn’t but you should probably ask cruz!
to just hang out, usually involving ganja
bra, we go cruz sandys
1) someone who is selfish and/or narcissistic.
2) a heartless person
3) a wannabe pimp
john: can i borrow your phone?
steve: no, get your own phone.
john: oh come on, stop being a cruz!
has latin american origins and was first made popular by a prost-tute from killah queens new york.
can mean one of two things:
1. prost-tute specializing in receiving bukkake
2. any whorish girl whose v-g-n- is so loose that she must have a jar to catch all the juices as they fall out hourly.
1. yo you gonna pay that cruz the full five dollars for a bl-wj-b or are you gonna barter down to two?
2. you should probably use a condom with that cruz, if you know what i mean.
3. d-mn im real drunk, call that cruz up so we can run a train.
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