carrier sense multiple access collision detection
networking protocol
e.g-ubar l337 her0 in da0c
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- dook-a-loon
-excrement; feces. -to defecate. – to discharge from the -n-s. -to discharge feces from the bowels. -to take an epic sh-t. he had to cop a dook-a-loon after he ate.the tacos upset his stomach. the little boy found dog feces on the bottom of his shoe. “man i need to cop a dook-a-loon can i […]
- dooley sauce
the substance that emerges from a male’s p-n-s during -rg-sm i was banging this 75-year old grandma the other day while making my vacuum sales house calls. i asked the old bag “where do you want it baby?” and she answered “ooooo i want yer dooley sauce all over my jugs…..please please….gimme yer dooley sauce!!!!”
- Shitee
the person or persons on the receiving end of any dirty anything. i.e. dirty sanchez, dirty waffle, or the hitler will you be the sh-tee of my dirty waffle?
- Essjay
(1) a hideous troll creature who preys on weak men. (2) an insult used towards someone acting like a wh-r-. you are such and essjay” or “don’t be an essjay to present false information about oneself or to -ssume an ident-ty other than one’s own (after former wikipedia employee essjay) personal ads are a common […]
- stinky face
when a female cat fighter sits on the other cat fighter’s face and rubs her dirty beef curtains in her face! oh sh-t, she’s finished. this b-tch has the nastiest poonanny around, after this stinky face she’ll never smell the same.