a cubicleonian is an office workaholic, working in a cubicle office setting. a cubicleonian tends to dress in professional office attire in order to cloak his or her´s high level of incompatence. a cubicleonian has no dreams, no hobbies and no interests aside from living a mundane and boring rat racing existence of cubicleland baffonary. cubicleonians are miserable people whom excell at hiding their true feelings.
“look at that suit wearing, triple chined, cubicle working zombie-of-a-cubicleonian! caught between a cubicle and the corporate rat race…what a pathetic existence”
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a cud baby is a piece of feces that has been “inseminated”. dude, after i got f-cked in the -ss i gave birth to the nastiest cud baby ever!!!
- culpan
a tree found in the desert that rejects female contact this is thought to be the only gay tree it is also hideous looking lewis: see that culpan over there smith: ewww
- cumduck
1. a paper mache core duck feathered by dried c-m tissues stuck to it. it must include the s-m-ns of 5-6 different men. 2. a duck. made of c-m. “you need to jerk off more so we can finish this c-mduck already.” “i really think a c-mduck would add to the feng shui of this […]
- Cummy Buttons
unintentional -j-c-l-t–n caused by repeated stimulation of b-ttons on a shirt. often happens in extra excited pre-penetration conditions of clothing removal guy 1: i got some last night guy 2: she said it was c-mmy b-ttons guy 1: -runsaway- -cry-
- Cut 'n' Paste
synonym: plagiarize to do as a last minute effort before -ssignments are due. usually done by dumb people or people that go to “matto sports high” dude, i worked on my -ssignment for 3 and a half hours! friend: dude, 4 words, cut ‘n’ paste! -totally! a style or form that’s taken straight from the […]