to drink excessively, take a dump, pumble someone, or get or hurt someone else.
the dead guy from charina road c-mbled master bates with an egg.
to destroy someone or something
the patriots c-mbled the broncos in thin air land.
the inability to annunciate due to large amounts of recessive c-m lodged in ones throat.
what the h-ll was scott saying?
i dont know he was all fully of c-mbles!
several things, people or items packed in close together.
it’s so crowded in here; everyone’s in a c-mble.
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an event when two or more geeks list their respective geek cred to prove who is the geekiest geek in geek town. geek 1: “i have all 27,000 (insert collectable card game here) cards including seventeen rares and misprints that are worth more than my car. geek 2: “i have the full set of (insert […]
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